Collaboration with Alibaba Cloud & Sinar Mas Land

Tangerang, 8th June 2023 – Walden Global Services (WGS), in collaboration with Alibaba Cloud and Sinar Mas Land, successfully hosted the WGS Enterprise Innovation Summit: Smart Warehouse. The event, held at the prestigious Upperwest BSD City, brought together industry leaders and experts to discuss the digital transformation of logistics and the potential for cloud intelligence, automation technologies, and Artificial Intelligence (AI) to drive innovations and cost savings in the field.

With the rapid advancement of technology, the logistics industry is embracing digital transformation to streamline operations and enhance efficiency. The WGS Enterprise Innovation Summit provided a platform for insightful discussions and knowledge sharing on leveraging AI and automation to revolutionize the warehousing landscape.

The event’s special guests, Mr. Eggy Tanuwijaya, Head of Solution Architect, and Mr. Xintong Su, Head of Innovation Solutions, both from Alibaba Cloud, captivated the audience with their expertise and insights. Their presentations shed light on how Alibaba Cloud’s cutting-edge solutions and services can empower businesses in the logistics sector to embrace digital transformation and unlock new opportunities for growth.

The summit highlighted the significance of cloud intelligence, automation technologies, and AI in optimising warehouse operations, from inventory management and order fulfilment to real-time tracking and predictive analytics. Industry leaders and attendees exchanged ideas on implementing smart warehouse solutions, leveraging emerging technologies, and harnessing data-driven decision-making to drive operational efficiency and cost savings.

The WGS Enterprise Innovation Summit: Smart Warehouse proved to be an enriching event, promoting collaboration and driving forward the digital transformation of the logistics industry. The discussions and insights shared by experts and industry leaders are set to inspire and shape the future of warehousing and logistics, paving the way for innovative solutions that will revolutionise the industry’s landscape in the coming years.

Techmind Conference

Indonesia is a vibrant and rapidly growing economy. To foster innovation, inspire entrepreneurship, and empower these businesses, the “Techmind Conference – Unleash The Unicorn Inside” is set to take place, and it promises to be an event like no other. Participation of Wynettes, a global leader in modern retail solutions. We will be at the forefront of showcasing groundbreaking technologies and strategies that can transform the retail landscape. With our extensive experience and innovative approaches, we are all set to create success stories for businesses, helping them thrive in a digital age.

In a significant move toward fostering technological innovation and societal progress, Wynettes has recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for a collaborative technology initiative with Singapore. This historic agreement of a collaboration between Indonesia and Singapore marks a crucial step in the region’s efforts to harness the power of technology to address societal challenges and drive economic growth. Under the MoU, Indonesia and Singapore are set to embark on a multifaceted partnership that aims to make a meaningful impact on society. The collaboration will focus on various areas, including digital infrastructure development, research and development initiatives, and technology-driven solutions.

Indonesia SME Summit & Expo (ISSE) 2023

In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) face both immense opportunities and challenges. The digitalization wave is reshaping industries, and for SMEs, embracing this change is crucial for growth and sustainability. Enter Wynettes Walden International, a forward-thinking organisation dedicated to helping SMEs harness the power of digitalization and providing them with various strategies to expand their businesses.

Indonesia SME Summit & Expo (ISSE) 2023, hosted at ICE BSD, was a pivotal moment in Indonesia’s digital business landscape. Over 50,000 sellers from every corner of the country converged, creating a unique platform for industry stakeholders, including government representatives, e-commerce entrepreneurs, logistics providers, social media influencers, and payment service providers.

Our presence shows our commitment to SMEs’ success in the digital era. By actively engaging with SMEs and understanding their unique challenges, we are helping these businesses thrive in an increasingly competitive marketplace. From digital marketing strategies to e-commerce optimization, we offer a diverse toolkit to empower SMEs to scale their operations, attract more customers, and navigate the complexities of the digital business world. We are not just an organisation; we are the right partner in the journey of SMEs towards prosperity in the digital age.

Venture Builder

In the rapidly evolving landscape of modern technology, venture capital firms are increasingly adopting a novel approach to support and nurture innovative startups that aspire to make a positive impact on society. They are turning to the concept of venture builders, which are specialised entities designed to provide not just financial support, but also hands-on guidance, mentorship, and operational expertise to fledgling companies. These venture builders serve as a catalyst for growth and innovation, ensuring that promising startups are well-positioned to create real and lasting change in the world. One such success story is Wynettes, a pioneering company that seized the opportunity to collaborate with a venture capital-driven venture builder. This partnership has enabled companies to not only secure the necessary funding but also gain access to a wealth of industry knowledge, a robust network of connections, and a strategic roadmap to navigate the challenging terrain of the tech world. The result has been a remarkable journey of growth and innovation, empowering corporations to develop groundbreaking technologies that have the potential to address critical societal issues. In a world where innovation and social impact are paramount, the rise of venture builders, will bring a promising future where technology is harnessed for the betterment of society.

Bussiness Matching

The global market is beginning to take notice of the incredible craftsmanship and unique flavours Indonesian made products have to offer. This burgeoning recognition has opened doors for numerous Indonesian businesses to expand their horizons and tap into the international market. Wynettes is leading the charge in this exciting journey towards international commerce. Recently, we organised a groundbreaking international business matching activity, inviting buyers and stakeholders from various corners of the world. This event served as a vital bridge connecting Indonesian producers with potential international buyers, allowing them to showcase their products and foster essential connections. The aim was not only to promote the exceptional quality and craftsmanship of Indonesian goods but also to foster lasting partnerships that would propel these products into global markets.

With a deep understanding of the local market and a keen eye on international trends, we play a vital role in connecting Indonesian businesses with international partners and customers. By facilitating connections between local producers and international buyers, they’ve enabled Indonesian-made products to reach a broader audience, establishing a lasting impact on the country’s economy. The dedication and expertise of us highlight the remarkable opportunities that arise when local businesses collaborate with experts in international trade. As the world continues to globalise, these efforts become even more critical, contributing to a brighter future for the Indonesian business landscape while enriching the international market with the unique and high-quality products that Indonesia has to offer.

Atasi Ketergantungan Gadget, WYNT Hadirkan Wahana Bermain Kreatif

WYNT Collaborative Space menghadirkan sebuah wahana bermain dengan desain yang modern dan kekinian guna meningkatkan potensi bakat dan kreativitas anak. Wahana tersebut juga dihadirkan untuk mengatasi ketergantungan anak terhadap penggunaan gadget yang berlebihan.

Founder WYNT Collaborative Space, Erlin Veronica Hartanto, mengungkapkan WYNT Collaborative Space menyuguhkan jenis permainan yang melibatkan anak dan orang tua.

Ada berbagai pilihan permainan yang disediakan seperti pingpong yang bisa dimainkan semua umur, board game experience center, cakar mesin, billiard fun games, air hockey, skuter, dan inline skate rink. Tersedia juga mini studio untuk melatih kepercayaan diri anak melakukan public speaking.

Wahana bermain yang disediakan dirancang dan dipersiapkan secara khusus untuk dapat dimainkan semua umur. Ia berharap, itu bisa meningkatkan interaksi antara anak dan orang tua dan mencegah anak terlalu sering bermain dengan gadget. Penggunaan gadget oleh anak usia dini bagai dua mata pisau. Di satu sisi memberikan manfaat, namun di sisi lain juga memberikan dampak yang berbahaya bagi pengembangan karakternya,

Ke depan, ia akan melakukan ekspansi pasar ke seluruh kota-kota besar di Indonesia agar fasilitas dan wahana bermain WYNT Collaborative Space dapat dinikmati oleh lebih banyak keluarga.

“Ini sarana dan infrastruktur edukasi yang sangat baik dan tepat untuk memaksimalkan potensi, bakat dan kreativitas anak, menciptakan keluarga yang harmonis. Sudah saatnya kita atasi ketergantungan pemanfaatan gadget pada anak menuju Indonesia Emas 2045,”

Trade Expo Indonesia 2023

Wynettes, with our innovation and commitment to global commerce, proudly participated in the prestigious Trade Expo Indonesia 2023 event. This gathering of international business traders from various industries provided us with an exceptional opportunity to extend our reach and engage with influential delegates and businesses from across the globe. At Wynettes, our core mission is to make Indonesia’s finest brands build their mark on the international stage. With a strong emphasis on connecting Indonesian businesses with global markets, we forged new relationships and reinforced existing ones, laying the foundation for prosperous partnerships that will help Indonesian-made products reach an international audience.

During our participation at Trade Expo Indonesia 2023, we showcased our dedication to elevating Indonesian brands and products to the world stage. Our commitment is to help big Indonesian brands grow exponentially remains unwavering, and this event was a testament to that commitment. We engaged in business discussions, networking opportunities, and knowledge sharing with trade delegations from around the world. These interactions not only fueled our understanding of international market dynamics but also positioned us as a dependable partner for businesses looking to expand their horizons. We continue to serve as a catalyst for Indonesia’s economic growth, forging global business relationships that will nurture the growth of Indonesian brands and open up new possibilities for Indonesian-made products to flourish on the international market.

Trade Mission

Our recent discussions with official delegates marked an important milestone in our journey, as we explored innovative strategies, identified potential markets, and solidified our commitment to promoting Indonesian products on a global scale. We remain dedicated to bringing the finest Indonesian products to consumers worldwide and facilitating the growth of Indonesian brands as they build their journey to international success.