Collaboration with Universitas Islam Bandung

Wynettes Walden International, in collaboration with Universitas Islam Bandung, recently organised a highly anticipated seminar aimed at empowering students to become the game changers of the future. The event brought together distinguished guest speakers, including Ms. Erlin Veronica, the CEO of Wynettes Walden International, along with renowned business personalities. The seminar’s central focus revolved around cultivating students’ potential, nurturing their passion, and exploring the intersection of innovation and creativity.

The seminar served as an invaluable platform for the exchange of ideas and experiences among participants. Accomplished business personalities joined Ms. Erlin Veronica in engaging discussions, sharing their expertise, and inspiring students to dream big. Through interactive sessions and panel discussions, students were encouraged to explore their passions, leverage their unique talents, and embrace entrepreneurship as a means to drive change and make a positive impact in their communities.

By encouraging students to become game changers, the seminar aimed to equip them with the necessary tools and mindset for success in an ever-evolving world. Participants were exposed to diverse perspectives, innovative strategies, and real-world case studies that highlighted the immense potential within each student. The seminar also emphasised the importance of collaboration, mentorship, and continuous learning as key elements in their journey toward becoming influential leaders and innovators.

The collaborative efforts of Wynettes Walden International and Universitas Islam Bandung in organising this seminar underscored their commitment to revolutionising education and preparing students for the challenges and opportunities of the future. By nurturing their potential and igniting their passion, the event inspired students to embrace the power of innovation and creativity as they strive to become game changers in their respective fields. The seminar undoubtedly left a lasting impact, empowering students to embark on their educational journeys with confidence, purpose, and a strong desire to make a difference in the world.

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