India – Indonesia Multi Sector Partnership Meet, 8th Oct 2024

The Embassy of India, Jakarta, in collaboration with the Indonesia India Business Forum (IIBF), cordially invites you to the Multi-Sector Business Partnership Meet. Strengthen economic ties between India and Indonesia by engaging with a visiting business delegation from India. Discover collaborative opportunities, exchange insights, and network with industry leaders across key sectors.

The Multisector B2B Event featuring a business delegation from India, organized by the Embassy of India, Jakarta in collaboration with India Indonesia Business Forum (IIBF), took place on October 8, 2024, at The Ritz Carlton, Mega Kuningan, Jakarta. The event aimed to explore business collaborations and strengthen trade ties between India and Indonesia across various sectors. The delegation comprised key representatives from business and industry in India, looking to expand their footprint in Indonesia, and local Indonesian business leaders.

The event commenced with welcome remarks by Ms. Malvika Priyadarshini, Counsellor (E&C), setting the tone for the day’s proceedings.

This was followed by introductory remarks from heads of the Indian business delegation who highlighted their missions and objectives for exploring the Indonesian market:

  • Ms. KD Sushma, Chairwoman, IGTD EXIM Chamber of Commerce
  • Ms. Swetapadma Mohanty, Founder and CEO, Business Leadership League
  • Mr. CK Ashok Kumar, Founder, First World Community
  • Mr. Rajarishi Toiwari, Founder & Director, Goldfinch Business Community
  • Mrs. Choudhury Jyoshna Das, Head, World Trade Center Bhubaneshwar, Odisha
  • Mr. Mohamed Jinna, Chairman, Halal India Organization

Their insights showcased the broad scope of business interests, from trade facilitation, business expansion, sourcing to community engagement and halal certification.

H.E. Sandeep Chakravorty, Ambassador of India to Indonesia, delivered the opening remarks, where he expressed gratitude for the organization of the event and emphasized the strategic importance of Indonesia as a gateway to ASEAN and APEC markets. He encouraged the business delegation to focus on future opportunities in Indonesia’s growing economy, particularly in sectors such as food processing, healthcare, energy, and digitalization.

The Ambassador stressed the need for businesses to expand their focus beyond Jakarta and explore regions like Kalimantan, Sulawesi, and Sumatra, where growth potential is significant. He also highlighted the importance of partnerships and due diligence, offering the Indian Embassy’s support to facilitate business ventures. His speech concluded with a strong call to enhance India-Indonesia relations through shared democratic values and closer business ties.

Other notable speakers included:

  • Ms. Neni Yuliza, Head of Import Expo and Public Service Team, BPOM, who addressed the importance of import regulations and public health standards.
  • Mr. Adhi S. Lukman, Chairman, Indonesia Food and Beverages Association (GAPMMI), who provided insights into Indonesia’s food and beverage industry.
  • Ms. Tashya Megananda Yukki, Vice Chairman for Food Affairs, Kadin DKI Jakarta, who outlined the opportunities in Jakarta’s thriving food sector.
  • Remarks from BPJPH (TBC).

Two informative presentations followed, providing in-depth perspectives on business landscapes in Indonesia:

  • Mr. Vinod Srinivas, Co-Founder and Director of JVR Jayata Consulting Indonesia, presented an “Overview of the Food and Agriculture Landscape in Indonesia.” He highlighted the growing opportunities in these sectors, particularly as Indonesia continues to increase its self-sufficiency in food production.
  • CA Loganathan Anandan, Director, PT. JCSS Management Consulting, provided a comprehensive overview of the “Ease of Doing Business in Indonesia – Regulatory Framework.” His presentation guided the business delegation on navigating Indonesia’s regulatory environment and the steps to establish successful ventures in the country.

The session concluded with remarks and a vote of thanks by Ms. Poonam Sagar, Chairperson of IIBF. She expressed appreciation to the distinguished speakers, the business delegation from India, and the Indonesian stakeholders. Ms. Sagar underscored the importance of collaboration between the two countries and acknowledged the support of all organizers, participants, and sponsors in making the event a success.

The Multisector B2B Event facilitated dynamic discussions and valuable networking opportunities for both Indian and Indonesian business leaders. The event served as a platform for exploring strategic partnerships, understanding Indonesia’s economic landscape, and strengthening trade ties between the two nations. Participants left with a clearer vision of the business potential in Indonesia and the steps necessary to foster sustainable and mutually beneficial relationships.

The India Indonesia Business Forum (IIBF) continues to play a pivotal role in promoting bilateral trade, and the success of this event is another testament to the strengthening of India-Indonesia economic relations.

Polandia Festival

Kantor Perdagangan Luar Negeri Polandia di Jakarta mengadakan Poland Festival 2021 (PF2021) guna meningkatkan kesadaran kerja sama perdagangan dan investasi antara kedua negara.

PF2021 menjadi penanda 3 tahun beroperasinya Kantor Badan Investasi dan Perdagangan Polandia (PAIH) di Jakarta.

Sebagai hasil dari hubungan mitra dengan importir terkemuka Indonesia, jumlah produk konsumen atau FMCG Polandia yang tercatat di Indonesia telah meningkat tiga kali lipat.

“Polandia adalah negara terbesar di Eropa Tengah seperti setengah Eropa. Kami punya banyak yang bisa kami tawarkan di berbagai aspek, termasuk kepada Indonesia sebagai pemimpin Asia Tenggara. Ada potensi besar, terutama pada perdagangan dan investasi,” kata Duta Besar Polandia untuk Indonesia Beata Stoczynska dalam acara Poland Festival 2021 pada Sabtu (13/11/2021).

Perhelatan ini diadakan di tiga lokasi berbeda, yakni yaitu Grand Lucky SCBD Jakarta, Hokky Supermarket Anchor Plaza Graha Family Surabaya dan GrandLucky Sanur, Bali.

PF2021 bertujuan untuk mempertahankan momentum pertumbuhan dan menerapkan strategi jangka panjang untuk mempromosikan industri Polandia, terutama dari produk FMCG.

Untuk mencapainya, perwakilan Polandia telah bermitra dengan jaringan supermarket terkemuka di Indonesia, seperti Grandlucky dan Hokky.

Kepala Jakarta Foreign Trade Office Polandia Jacek Kolomyjec mengatakan telah mengagendakan Poland Festival dengan skala lebih besar pada 2022 seiring dengan membaiknya situasi pandemi.

“Jika tahun ini ada tiga kota, maka tahun depan kami ingin menambah kota lain lagi seperti Medan dan ingin menambah fokus ke sektor lain, seperti industri perkeretaapian. Kami ingin punya posisi secara nasional di industri kereta api Indonesia,” ujarnya.

Selain itu, lanjut Jacek, beberapa fokus industri yang potensial untuk bermitra dengan Indonesia di antaranya adalah sektor teknologi hijau, produk mobilitas elektrik, dan alat kesehatan.

Kantor Perdagangan Luar Negeri Polandia di Jakarta telah berdiri sejak 2018 dengan tujuan untuk meneliti potensi bisnis di Indonesia, memperkenalkan mitra bisnis, dan menyelesaikan kesepakatan bisnis.

Saat ini total perdagangan antara kedua negara mencapai US$1 miliar, di mana neraca perdagangan Indonesia surplus. Dubes Stoczynska memperkirakan perdagangan kedua negara bisa tembus US$5 miliar hingga 2025.

Trade Expo Indonesia (TEI) 2022

Pameran TEI yang ke-37 ini diselenggarakan selama lima hari pada 19–23 Oktober 2022 di Indonesia Convention Exhibition, Bumi Serpong Damai City (ICE, BSD City), Tangerang. Sedangkan secara virtual, TEI ke-37 digelar pada 19 Oktober–19 Desember 2022.

“Setelah dua tahun berturut-turut TEI dilaksanakan secara daring karena situasi pandemi, TEI ke-37 akan kembali diselenggarakan secara hibrida. TEI menghadirkan kembali interaksi langsung dengan para buyers potensial yang dibawa seluruh Kantor Perwakilan RI di luar negeri. TEI diharapkan dapat menjadi salah satu gerbang produk ekspor unggulan Indonesia ke pasar global dengan memanfaatkan momentum pemulihan ekonomi,” ujar Menteri Perdagangan Zulkifli Hasan, Selasa (18/10/2022).

Direktur Jenderal Pengembangan Ekspor Nasional Didi Sumedi menambahkan, kesiapan ini juga dibuktikan dengan antusiasme buyers yang telah mendaftar (registered buyers). Sampai saat ini tercatat 1765 buyers dari 91 negara yang akan berpartisipasi di gelaran TEI ke-37.

“Antusiasme buyer tidak hanya berasal dari negara-negara Asia Pasifik, tetapi juga wilayah di Amerika Latin seperti Brasil, Bolivia, Chili, serta buyer dari wilayah Eropa dan Afrika,” imbuh Didi.

Selain pameran internasional, TEI juga menyelenggarakan beberapa kegiatan pendukung seperti penandatanganan memorandum kerja sama dagang antarnegara; Trade, Tourism, and Investment (TTI) Forum yang membahas banyak sekali isu terkini dalam dunia dagang internasional; penjajakan kesepakatan bisnis (business matching).

Kemudian, konseling bisnis (business counseling); serta panggung special (special stage) dengan berbagai aktivitas dan kegiatan.

Bersamaan dengan penyelenggaraan TEI 2022, di lokasi yang sama dihelat pula acara Jakarta Muslim Fashion Week (JMFW) 2022 untuk mewujudkan cita-cita kita bersama menjadikan Indonesia sebagai kiblat fesyen muslim dunia di tahun 2024.

Miss Kidzania Jakarta

Miss KidZania merupakan salah satu event terbesar dwitahunan KidZania Jakarta yang memberikan
kesempatan kepada putri – putri Indonesia untuk bermain peran (role play). Adapun seleksi
Pemilihan Miss KidZania Jakarta 2022 adalah anak Indonesia dengan kriteria: Brain, Beauty, Behavior
& Brave. Mereka yang bersedia untuk berpartisipasi mengirimkan esai berupa karya tulis yang
bertemakan Dare to Lead with Active Living & Strong Personality. Dari proses Paper Selection inilah,
terpilih 50 besar peserta yang kemudian diseleksi lagi menjadi 24 Semifinalis hingga akhirnya terpilih
12 Finalis dan terpilih 4 pemenang Miss KidZania Jakarta 2022.

Adapun tema besar Miss KidZania Jakarta 2022 adalah “Dare to Lead with Active Living & Strong

Pemilihan ini adalah kali ke-7 setelah sukses diselenggarakan pada tahun 2009, 2010, 2011, 2013, 2015
& 2018. Anak perempuan yang berusia 7 – 13 tahun bisa berpartisipasi dalam pemilihan ini. Sejak
pendaftaran dibuka dari tanggal 10 Oktober – 14 November 2022, ada lebih dari 4.000 peserta yang
mendaftar untuk menjadi Miss KidZania Jakarta 2022.

TO BE : Menjadi sosok yang balanced , seimbang dalam hal intelektual, fisikal, dan emosional
untuk menjadi personal yang baik, dan mencapai cita-cita apapun yang diinginkan.
TO KNOW: Menjadi orang yang knowledgeable, open-minded dan inquirer, selalu haus ilmu,
berpengetahuan luas dan berpikiran terbuka serta selalu ingin tahu.
TO CREATE: Menjadi seorang pemikir (thinker) dan berani mengambil resiko (risk taker) dalam
berkarya dan berkreasi menciptakan hal-hal baru.
TO SHARE: Menjadi orang yang berpikiran terbuka (open minded) dan communicator yang
baik, berkolaborasi dan berbagi dengan orang lain.
TO CARE: Mempunyai prinsip yang kuat akan sesuatu (principled) dan peduli (caring) dengan
lingkungan serta orang di sekelilingnya.
TO PLAY: Menjadi sosok inquirer dan communicator yang balanced , yang menikmati
eksplorasi dan bermain sebagai bagian dari proses belajar.

Indonesia Retail Summit 2022

The most awaited annual retail event of the year is coming!

Indonesia Retail Summit 2022 is in order for those retailers in Indonesia! This annual program from HIPPINDO will take place at 15-16 August 2022 at Floor 4th & 5th of Sarinah Building, Thamrin, Central Jakarta.

Indonesia Retail Summit 2022 will cover some interesting and insightful retail ideas to be back to where it should be prior to the pandemic era; the triumph of its Retail Industry here only in Indonesia. Bring up the theme of “Recover Retail Together & Stronger”, Indonesia Retail Summit 2022 summons all Retailers to come for FREE and get a chance to meet with the important figures from Indonesia;

– The Minister of Trade of Republic of Indonesia, Zulkifli Hasan

– The Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy of Republic of Indonesia, Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno

– The Minister of Cooperative and SME of Republic of Indonesia, Teten Masduki

– The Minister of Law and Human Rights of Republic of Indonesia, Yasonna H. Laoly

– The Minister of Technology & Informatics, Johnny G. Plate

– The Governor of DKI Jakarta, Anies Baswedan

– The Chairman of HIPPINDO, Budihardjo Iduansjah

– Founder of M Bloc, Handoko Hendrayono

– President Commissioner of Ace Hardware Indonesia, Kuncoro Wibowo

– Director of Sari Ratu, Rama Auwines

– President Director of Sarinah, Fetty Kwartati

– Business & Operation Director of PT. Kurnia Ciptamoda Gemilang, Haryanto Pratantara

Be sure to come for getting the insights from these important and reliable people from the Retail Industry in Indonesia!

Continue reading “Indonesia Retail Summit 2022”

Jawara Wirausaha IFBC 2023 Award

9th June 2023 – Bandung, Indonesia

Wynettes Walden International has been honoured with the prestigious “Jawara Wirausaha IFBC 2023” award for its outstanding contribution on helping digitising Indonesian businesses. The award ceremony, held in Bandung, recognized the exemplary efforts of the company in helping local businesses embrace digital transformation to enhance their competitiveness in the global market.

With a strong commitment to leveraging technology for business growth, Wynettes Walden International has been at the forefront of the business digital revolution sweeping across Indonesia. The company’s innovative solutions have empowered countless businesses to streamline their operations, improve efficiency, and expand their reach. By offering comprehensive digital transformation strategies, Wynettes Walden International has been instrumental in propelling Indonesia’s economy into the digital age.

This prestigious recognition, bestowed by the Info Franchise & Business Concept (IFBC), highlights Wynettes Walden International’s exceptional dedication and expertise in driving digitalization efforts in the country. The “Jawara Wirausaha IFBC 2023” award acknowledges the company’s success in empowering Indonesian businesses through its cutting-edge technological solutions, which have revolutionised the way companies operate and interact with their customers.

With this notable achievement, Wynettes Walden International continues to spearhead digital transformation initiatives in Indonesia, inspiring other companies to embrace innovation and harness the power of technology. The company’s remarkable expertise and dedication to helping businesses thrive in the digital era have firmly established them as a frontrunner in the technology solutions industry.

Future-Proof Your Career

In an era of constant technological advancements and evolving business landscapes, we must adapt and future-proof our careers to thrive in the ever-changing job market. To address this need, Wynettes Group are happy to have held “Future-Proof Your Career” Seminar Events. It is designed to empower new generations and also professionals with the knowledge, skills, and strategies needed to navigate and excel in the dynamic professional world.

From 23 – 25 May 2023, students and professionals gathered at Techpolitan BSD for the highly anticipated seminar event. With guest speakers and unique collaboration between leading companies from the IT industry, educational institute, and creative local business, the event aimed to equip attendees with the tools, insights, and strategies required to thrive in an ever-evolving job market.

Wynettes Group curated an impressive lineup of collaborating companies and guest speakers who shared their expertise and insights with attendees. Notable participants included such as Mr. Gatot from SEAMO, Mr. Iswan from Sangnila Art Academy, Ms. Melia from Bintang Kecil, Mr. Edwin from WGS Hub, and much more.

The seminar event also featured engaging IT workshops, where participants gained hands-on experience and practical knowledge in using IT knowledge for their business. Through our business matching sessions, we provided networking opportunities valuable connections and potential collaborations from the participating businesses, further enriching their career prospects and future collaborations.

The “Future Proof Your Career” Seminar Event organised by the Wynettes Group successfully empowered professionals with the necessary skills and insights to navigate the ever-changing job market. Attendees left the event equipped with knowledge of emerging technologies, a commitment to continuous learning, and a renewed sense of creativity. The collaborative efforts between IT industry leaders, educational institutes, and creative local businesses showcased the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration in shaping successful careers. With the valuable takeaways from this seminar, students and also professionals are well-positioned to future-proof their careers and thrive in the digital age.

Collaboration with Universitas Islam Bandung

Wynettes Walden International, in collaboration with Universitas Islam Bandung, recently organised a highly anticipated seminar aimed at empowering students to become the game changers of the future. The event brought together distinguished guest speakers, including Ms. Erlin Veronica, the CEO of Wynettes Walden International, along with renowned business personalities. The seminar’s central focus revolved around cultivating students’ potential, nurturing their passion, and exploring the intersection of innovation and creativity.

The seminar served as an invaluable platform for the exchange of ideas and experiences among participants. Accomplished business personalities joined Ms. Erlin Veronica in engaging discussions, sharing their expertise, and inspiring students to dream big. Through interactive sessions and panel discussions, students were encouraged to explore their passions, leverage their unique talents, and embrace entrepreneurship as a means to drive change and make a positive impact in their communities.

By encouraging students to become game changers, the seminar aimed to equip them with the necessary tools and mindset for success in an ever-evolving world. Participants were exposed to diverse perspectives, innovative strategies, and real-world case studies that highlighted the immense potential within each student. The seminar also emphasised the importance of collaboration, mentorship, and continuous learning as key elements in their journey toward becoming influential leaders and innovators.

The collaborative efforts of Wynettes Walden International and Universitas Islam Bandung in organising this seminar underscored their commitment to revolutionising education and preparing students for the challenges and opportunities of the future. By nurturing their potential and igniting their passion, the event inspired students to embrace the power of innovation and creativity as they strive to become game changers in their respective fields. The seminar undoubtedly left a lasting impact, empowering students to embark on their educational journeys with confidence, purpose, and a strong desire to make a difference in the world.

Info Franchise & Business Concept (IFBC) Expo 2023

The highly anticipated Info Franchise & Business Concept (IFBC) Expo 2023 commenced yesterday with a dazzling opening ceremony. The ribbon-cutting ceremony, officiated by our CEO, Erlin Veronica, and other prominent figures in the franchise industry, marked the official opening of the expo. Held in the vibrant city of Bandung, the three-day event promises to be the place for aspiring entrepreneurs and franchise enthusiasts, offering full of opportunities to explore and invest in.

With an array of booths representing renowned local and international franchises, the IFBC Expo aims to connect aspiring business owners with franchisors seeking expansion opportunities. From food and beverage giants to retail brands, business ventures to tech startups, the event showcases a diverse range of franchise possibilities.

Running until June 11, the IFBC Expo promises to be a dynamic platform for networking, knowledge-sharing, and forging meaningful business partnerships. As Bandung opens its doors to this franchise extravaganza, entrepreneurs and franchise enthusiasts eagerly anticipate discovering the next big investment opportunity and paving their way to entrepreneurial success.

Empowering Young Entrepreneurs

In a rapidly evolving world, knowledge has become the most powerful currency. It holds the key to unlocking boundless opportunities and nurturing the potential within every young individual. As experienced individuals, we have a responsibility to share our knowledge and wisdom to empower the next generation of leaders. By fostering a culture of sharing, we can inspire young minds to become creative entrepreneurs and game changers, paving the way for a brighter future.

Sharing knowledge is not simply about transferring information; it is a transformative act that ignites the spark of curiosity and opens doors to new possibilities. When we willingly share our expertise and experiences, we create an environment where young minds can thrive. By providing them with the tools and guidance they need, we enable them to develop critical thinking skills, innovation, and an entrepreneurial mindset. Through mentorship, workshops, and collaborative projects, we can shape the next generation of leaders, who will boldly navigate uncharted territories and revolutionise industries.

Knowledge sharing fosters a sense of community and collaboration. When individuals come together to exchange ideas, perspectives, and insights, they create a rich tapestry of collective intelligence. It is within these vibrant communities that innovation flourishes. By encouraging young minds to actively participate in knowledge sharing networks, we cultivate an ecosystem that breeds creativity and nurtures collaboration. In this interconnected world, where diverse talents converge, young entrepreneurs can leverage the power of collective knowledge to create groundbreaking solutions and challenge the status quo.

As we strive to shape the future, let us remember that sharing knowledge is not only a responsibility but also a privilege. By empowering the young generation with the necessary tools and resources, we unlock their immense potential to become the game changers of tomorrow. Let us embrace a culture of sharing, where mentorship, education, and collaboration become the cornerstones of progress. Together, we can ignite a spark of inspiration in the hearts of young minds, fueling their passion to dream big, take risks, and transform the world around them. Let us be the guiding light that leads them on the path of creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurship, for it is through their success that we will witness the greatest transformation.